June 12, 2023 11:58 pm

Peter Bonney

Responsive (formerly RFPIO) is arguably the best known entity in the RFP response automation category. RFP response automation may be a narrow niche, but if you've ever responded to an RFP you know what a critical pain point it is.

RFPIO and its top competitors allow users to import RFPs, analyze the questions using AI, suggest answers, and facilitate collaboration. But there are also critical features that differentiate the solutions in this space. Not to mention major price differences!

In this blog post, we will dive deep into the RFP response automation software market, the most notable players, how they stack up with Responsive (RFPIO), and how RFPIO itself stacks up with the ever-changing competitive landscape.

RFPIO Competitor Comparison

Vendorful AI





AI-Enabled Content Library

Auto-Suggest Answers from Content Library

Auto-Create New Answers with AI

Fully Automated Response Drafts

In-App Collaboration

"Ask the AI"

Free Trial

Measured Time Savings









Not published

$10,500-30,500 + $65/user/mo

Not published

Pricing reference



Sign up for free

Let Vendorful's AI Response Assistant handle the rote work, so you can focus on your client's key problems.

How We Compared RFPIO Alternatives

When evaluating different RFPIO alternatives, we prioritized platforms with robust content management and collaboration features. We then looked at AI capabilities, automation features, and overall performance. Finally, we factored in free trial options for the "try before you buy" experience and of course ease of use. We based our selections on hands-on experience, customer feedback, and editorial reviews. 

Without further ado, on to the product overviews!

In-Depth Product Overviews

RFPIO logo

What is RFPIO?

RFPIO (now Responsive), a key player in the Request for Proposal (RFP) response and proposal management software industry, offers an array of features for RFP response automation.

RFPIO Content Library

Among key RFPIO features is its content library, a comprehensive repository that houses company knowledge and previous responses. This library can be beneficial for sales teams who encounter recurring queries, helping to standardize answers and save time. However, RFPIO's effectiveness in this regard will naturally hinge on how well-structured and detailed the user's stored content is.

RFPIO Auto-Suggested Answers

One of RFPIO's distinguishing features is its ability to auto-suggest answers from the customer's content library. This tool proposes responses to new questions based on previous content from the library. This feature can indeed help speed up the response process. However, the suggestions' relevance and accuracy are largely dependent on the user's existing library content.

RFPIO AI Auto-Generated Answers

A March 2023 blog post from RFPIO suggests that a few customers are trying this functionality in an early access program, with general access planned for some time in Summer 2023.

RFPIO Fully Automated Response Drafting

RFPIO's fully automated response drafting is another feature worth mentioning. This allows users to create an entire proposal response with minimal effort. However, the efficacy of this feature is contingent on the quality of the user's stored responses and their relevance to the new proposal request.

RFPIO In-App Collaboration

RFPIO's in-app collaboration tool is designed to foster smooth communication among team members. This facilitates teamwork and information sharing within the same platform. However, it's important to note that more sophisticated collaboration features may be found in specialized collaboration tools provided by certain competitors.

RFPIO Pricing

RFPIO pricing starts at $499 per user per month, according to Software Advice.

RFPIO Free Trial

RFPIO does not offer a free trial.

RFPIO Summary

In summary, RFPIO presents several valuable features designed to streamline the RFP response process. It is also believed that RFPIO is the most expensive option in the category. Potential users should weigh these advantages against the specific needs and constraints of their business when deciding whether RFPIO is the right solution for them.

Loopio logo

What is Loopio?

Loopio, a recognized contender in the RFP response and proposal management software sector and the best known RFPIO competitor, comes with its own set of unique features and challenges.

Loopio Content Library

Loopio's content library serves as a central repository for storing previous responses and company knowledge. This feature aids in structuring and managing data, providing a resource for future proposal responses. However, the effectiveness of this function heavily depends on the quality and detail of the stored content, making ongoing library maintenance and updates essential for its utility.

Loopio Auto-Suggested Answers

A notable feature of Loopio is its auto-suggest function that pulls from the content library to propose responses to new queries. This has the potential to save significant time and foster consistency across responses. However, the relevance and accuracy of suggested answers largely hinge on the user's stored content. Therefore, a robust and diverse library is crucial for this feature to be truly beneficial.

Loopio AI Auto-Generated Answers

Loopio does not currently provide a feature that auto-creates new answers with AI, though a May 2023 blog post suggests that they are working on this functionality.

Loopio Fully Automated Response Drafting

When it comes to fully automated response drafting, Loopio offers a practical solution. By leveraging the content library and past responses, Loopio can create a complete response with minimal user input, provided the questionnaire lines up very closely with past questions in the content library. And of course the quality and relevance of stored content can significantly influence the effectiveness of the drafted response. An analysis from Forrester estimated the cost of maintaining Loopio's content library at roughly 2.3x Loopio's actual fees over a 3 year period ($794,300 internal costs vs. $346,700 paid to Loopio).

Loopio In-App Collaboration

Loopio’s in-app collaboration feature is designed to enhance team communication and collaboration, keeping all discussions and inputs within the same platform. However, certain competitors offer more sophisticated collaboration tools that integrate project management capabilities, potentially offering more comprehensive team management solutions.

Loopio Pricing

Loopio pricing is no longer published. A 2023 analysis from Forrester estimated an annual Loopio cost range of $54,000 to $142,000, plus professional service fees of $20,300 to $29,200 per year. Anecdotal data suggests that Loopio's price is broadly in the same price tier as RFPIO.

Loopio Free Trial

Loopio does not offer a free trial.

Loopio Summary

Loopio offers several commendable features aimed at streamlining the RFP response process. Prospective users should evaluate these strengths in light of their unique business needs, and how they measure against Loopio's potential drawbacks to make an informed decision in comparison to RFPIO.

QorusDocs logo

What is QorusDocs?

QorusDocs, an active participant in the Request for Proposal (RFP) response and proposal management software market, offers a variety of features that can be both advantageous and limiting depending on your specific needs.

QorusDocs Content Library

QorusDocs offers a repository for storing and organizing past responses and company-specific knowledge. This function serves as an efficient resource for teams handling recurring queries and looking for consistency in their responses. However, the overall utility of the content library heavily relies on the quality and organization of the content stored within, requiring a commitment to regular updates and maintenance.

QorusDocs Auto-Suggested Answers

QorusDocs has the ability to auto-suggest answers from the content library. This can expedite the response process and ensure continuity across responses. However, its effectiveness largely depends on the diversity and relevance of the content stored in the library. Consequently, the more comprehensive and diverse the library is, the better this feature can perform.

QorusDocs AI Auto-Generated Answers

QorusDocs does not currently offer a feature that auto-creates new answers using AI. As of May 2023 the company stated they are "actively conducting research and development on GenAI".

QorusDocs Fully Automated Response Drafting

QorusDocs provides response drafting functionality, though it is not fully automated. The user must select from the suggested answers and compile them into a complete response. While this process does leverage the library content, it may lack the speed and convenience of solutions offering fully automated response drafting.

QorusDocs In-App Collaboration

When it comes to in-app collaboration, QorusDocs facilitates a cohesive work environment for teams, allowing them to communicate and collaborate within the platform. While this offers convenience and streamlines operations, certain competitors might offer more comprehensive collaboration tools with advanced project management capabilities.

QorusDocs Pricing

QorusDocs charges $65/month for standard users, plus a one-time deployment fee of $10,500-30,500, according to Serchen.

QorusDocs Free Trial

QorusDocs offers a 14-day free trial.

QorusDocs Summary

QorusDocs brings a variety of useful features to the table in the RFP response and proposal management domain. The pricing model, designed to scale based on user needs, could be an excellent fit for larger organizations, but the up-front fees may be cost-prohibitive for smaller businesses or freelancers. Potential users should weigh these advantages against their business needs and the software's limitations to make an informed choice in comparison to RFPIO.

Qvidian logo

What is Qvidian?

Qvidian is a well-established name in the Request for Proposal (RFP) response and proposal management software landscape, bringing a range of features to the forefront.

Qvidian Content Library

A central content library is among these features, providing a storehouse for past responses and company knowledge. This organized repository can prove useful for teams dealing with similar queries frequently, promoting consistency in responses. Nevertheless, the utility of this feature largely depends on the quality and organization of the content housed within the library, thereby necessitating regular content updates and maintenance.

Qvidian Auto-Suggested Answers

One key feature of Qvidian is its auto-suggest capability which draws from the content library to propose responses to new questions. This feature can expedite the response process and maintain consistency in the answers. However, the value of these suggested responses largely relies on the richness and relevance of the stored content in the library.

Qvidian AI Auto-Generated Answers

Qvidian does not currently offer a feature that auto-creates new answers using AI, and we cannot find any specific announcements that such a feature is under development. Therefore, users must rely on their existing knowledge and the content in the library to answer unique queries. While this ensures high personalization, it might require more time and effort compared to solutions that employ AI to generate new responses.

Qvidian Fully Automated Response Drafting

With regards to fully automated response drafting, Qvidian offers a feature that allows users to create complete proposal responses using library content and pre-set templates. While this feature helps streamline the process, it's important to note that its effectiveness hinges on the relevance and quality of the library content and selected template.

Qvidian In-App Collaboration

In the area of in-app collaboration, Qvidian enables team members to work together seamlessly on the platform. While this can streamline communication and information sharing, it's worth noting that certain competitors may offer more sophisticated collaboration tools with additional project management capabilities.

Qvidian Pricing

Qvidian's seems to keep its price a highly guarded secret. After exhaustive research we could not find any information on Qvidian's pricing. Read into that what you will.

Qvidian Free Trial

Qvidian does not advertise a free trial.

Qvidian Summary

Qvidian brings a set of beneficial features to the table in the RFP response and proposal management sphere. However like QorusDocs it appears to be lagging on generative AI compared to its peers. Potential users should thoroughly consider its strengths against the software's limitations and their own business needs when making a decision vs RFPIO.

vendorful logo

What is Vendorful AI?

Vendorful is something new in the RFP response space: a ground-up, AI RFP response platform. It includes enterprise-level collaboration features, but its main goal is for users to collaborate primarily as editors, after its advanced AI has written a first draft based on the specific RFP requirements and the respondent's prior content.

Vendorful AI Content Library

Vendorful AI provides a content library that supports content of any type:

  • Prior responses to RFPs, RFIs, DDQs, etc.
  • Website content
  • Support documentation
  • Sales & marketing collateral
  • InfoSec data

Knowledgebase management is simple and intuitive and the library does not require a dedicated team to maintain.

Vendorful Auto-Suggested Answers

For situations where precise wording matters, the Vendorful AI RFP Assistant automatically suggests the most likely answers for any question, and will warn you if it thinks none of them are good matches. If you have no interest in synthesizing data into new answers for new questions, then this could be all you need. However...

Vendorful AI Auto-Generated Answers

In our view, the biggest value you will get from using the Vendorful AI RFP Assistant will come from its ability to combine multiple data sources from your content library into cohesive answers to previously unseen questions. And the more you use it, the better it gets.

The power of generative AI is where you will see the biggest time savings on RFP responses. Because the RFP AI software is never overworked or distracted or juggling competing responsibilities, our users have seen time savings of 90% while also producing subjectively better responses. What more can you ask for?

Vendorful AI Fully Automated Response Drafting

The RFP Assistant makes it dead simple to automate RFP response drafts. It even offers a "zero click" option - just upload the RFP questions and it automatically starts filling them in! If you just want help with writer's block on a couple of answers, you can go question-by-question instead. Or you can do something in between. You have full control over the process.

Vendorful AI In-App Collaboration

Invite additional team members with a single click. Assign questions or sections to specific subject matter experts. Track status, review and approve answers, save tasks for later, and so on. All team members have access to your in-progress responses and can seamlessly work alongside you - presales, sales, subject matter experts, executives, legal, etc. 

Vendorful AI Pricing

The Vendorful AI RFP Assistant starts at free and has plans for organizations of every size. Pricing is transparent.

Vendorful AI Free Trial

Try the Pro plan free for 30 days, at the end of which you can downgrade to the Solo tier or sign up for a paid Pro plan. You can sign up to try AI RFP software right now for free.

Vendorful AI Summary

After years of providing a world-class RFP issuance platform to buyers, Vendorful is bringing its expertise to the other side of the table and showing vendors some love. Vendorful AI incorporates the latest advances in artificial intelligence into its very foundation, with a mission of providing outrageous value to sales teams of any size.

Answer RFPs in minutes!

Sign up for Vendorful's AI Assistant for free.

Vendorful AI is a new player in the Request for Proposal (RFP) response and proposal management software industry, bringing a fresh and disruptive approach to the table. Its goal is to merge best-in-class AI with affordable and transparent pricing - including a forever free tier - to make RFP responses simple and fun for organizations of any size. We hope you will consider it along with other RFPIO alternatives!


We hope you've found this product comparison useful, and that you now have a better sense of how the key players in this market stack up - RFPIO vs. Loopio, Loopio vs. Qvidian, Qvidian vs. RFPIO, RFPIO vs. QorusDocs, Qvidian vs. QorusDocs, Loopio vs. QorusDocs, and so on.

About the Author

Peter Bonney is a co-founder and Chief Executive Officer at Vendorful. He has been helping organizations with their RFP challenges since 2016. Prior to that, in his role as an investment manger, he watched way to many companies get burned by poor RFP processes, and personally dealt with the pain of DDQs and other complex business questionnaires.

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